To dissuade Mega Man from attempting to rebel against Wily, Light tells Mega Man Proto Man's story, and explains that the people have "chosen their own end"-they will not fight to save themselves ("Unrest in The House of Light"). Years later, people still talk about Proto Man, and Doctor Light knows that Mega Man will soon find out about his brother.
In Doctor Light's grief, he sets about destroying his laboratory, instead building a new robot, Mega Man. The human masses, too frightened of Wily to assist Proto Man, allow him to die. After twelve years, when Proto Man is finished, he is sent to fight Wily's forces and liberate mankind-however, after defeating many of Wily's robots Proto Man is weakened, and the robot army launches a final assault. Doctor Light apparently works for Wily's government, but by night he builds a robot to lead a rebellion against Wily - Proto Man. The album begins with a description of a dystopia ruled by Doctor Wily and his army of robots ("Hope Rides Alone").
While the plot of the album is adapted from the Mega Man games, it takes substantial liberties with the original storyline, functioning as a dystopic reworking of the games' narrative.